Saturday, August 30, 2008

Theme 310 - Camera

This was Thomas Plant's camera and it's case. He's the man who had the Castle in the Sky built and once owned it. It was made in the U.S.A. by Eastman Kodak! I'm pretty happy I got a picture of this because it was in a closet room that we weren't allowed to enter and I stepped in to grab a picture before one of the "security" people came walking by.

Heres another photo of the camera:


MevetS said...

So, what version of Photoshop do you think he used?

I think it would be fun to play with a camera like this. Although I wouldn't want to deal with film again. I wonder if anyone makes a digital view camera? It would make a nice steampunk mod to an existing camera, maybe when I next upgrade ...

Nice shots.

Mia said...

Well done, what a mission!

Linda aka Elemobe said...

Well done!! This blog thing certainly presents fun "challenges" at times - lol

Dogeared said...

What a lovely glimpse of history, and the photography that came before us!